Insurance Claim Inspection Assistance

Our clients in this field use drones to capture details of a location or building and obtain useful insights during claims processing or risk assessments in less time. The benefits of this service are:


Higher Business Efficiency

Because drones can cover large areas of property in a short span of time, the number of adjusters needed in the field can be reduced, removing the operational stress of employing and managing large numbers of claims adjusters.


Faster Claims Adjudication

This capability could save significant time while improving the productivity and efficiency of claims adjusters by up to 50%. This moves the entire process forward and cuts cycle time, resulting in quicker claims resolution and happier customers.


Improved Safety

Claims adjudication can be dangerous, especially if an adjuster has to climb a ladder with a camera in one hand and a notepad in the other to inspect damage. It is also risky if an adjuster is operating in an area soon after a fire, flood, or earthquake. In contrast, insurance inspection drones’ ability to take high-resolution videos and photos of multistory buildings makes them a much safer option for insurers and their employees.